Rosalind Prober, C.M.

After becoming aware that sexual offenders against children can sexually abuse children abroad with impunity, including Canadian children, Rosalind started working in 1993 to close that loophole in the Canadian Criminal Code.
Her activism resulted in the “Prober Amendment” to Canada’s child sex tourism legislation (1996). This broadened the legislation to include all sexual crimes against children as extraterritorial crimes. Awareness of other inadequacies of the Criminal Code and as well as the gross violations of children’s rights to be free from sexual exploitation led Rosalind to found Beyond Borders in 1996 with children’s rights lawyer, Mark Eric Hecht.
Rosalind is also a founder of Canada’s national tipline to report online sexual victimization, Until her retirement in 2015 as president of Beyond Borders, Rosalind led the organization’s growth to become a bilingual, national, volunteer-driven nonprofit working to stop global child sexual exploitation.