Fact Sheets

National Sex Offender Registry (PDF)

Charter of Rights and Freedoms and The Canadian Passport Order (PDF)
Child Trafficking – General (PDF)
- Definition of child trafficking
- Risk factors and statistics associated with child trafficking
- Challenges in helping victims of child trafficking
- Canadian Annual Report on Progress of the National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking
Child Trafficking – Law (PDF)
- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (articles 34, 35)
- Bill C-310 (makes human trafficking an extra-territorial offence, s. 7(4.11) of the Criminal Code)
- Ss. 279.01-279.04 of the Criminal Code contain human trafficking prohibitions
- Immigrant and Refugee Protection Act (s. 118)
- Bill C-268 (created a minimum sentence for offences involving trafficking of persons under the age of eighteen years)
- Bill C-310 (makes human trafficking a punishable offence even if it occurred outside of
Child Trafficking – Action (PDF)
- Canada’s National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking
- Canadian organizations engaged in combating human trafficking
Child Sex Tourism — General (PDF)
- Factors leading to child sex tourism
- Where child sex tourism occurs
- The role of the tourism industry in preventing child sex tourism
Child Sex Tourism — Action (PDF)
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism
- Individual action through cybertip.ca
Child Sex Tourism – Law (PDF)
- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Bill C-27 (criminalizes child sex tourism in s. 7(4.1) of the Criminal Code)
- Bill C-26 (proposes tougher penalties for child predators and would require sex offenders to provide more information when traveling)
Self and Peer Exploitation – General (PDF)
- Definition of self/peer exploitation
- Why youth engage in sexting
- The consequences of sexting
- What is being done about self/peer exploitation
- Bill C-13 (proposed legislation that would create new offences of distributing images without the consent of persons depicted and allow spouses to act at witnesses for the prosecution of the new offence)
- R v Spencer
Sexual Abuse and Trafficking of Aboriginal Children (PDF)
- Child sexual abuse amongst Aboriginal children in Canada
- Trafficking and Aboriginal Children
- National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking
Child Marriage — General (PDF)
- Risk factors associated with child marriage
- International and domestic law on child marriage
Polygamy and Child Marriage in Canada (PDF)
- Risk factors associated with polygamy
- International law and perspectives
- S. 293 of the Criminal Code limits marriage to a union of 2 people
- 2011 Polygamy Reference (British Columbia
Child Abuse Images — Statistics (PDF)
Summary information from a cybertip.ca report on child sexual abuse images on the Internet from 2002–2009
Child Abuse Images — Law (PDF)
- Definition of “child pornography”
- Explanation of Bills C-2 and C-22 (penalties for child pornography offences and mandatory reporting of child pornography by ISPs)
Female Genital Mutilation (PDF)
- Definition of female genital mutilation
- International law: Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Domestic law: s. 268(3) of the Criminal Code includes FGM as aggravated assault
Sexual Exploitation and Technology (PDF)
- Risks in communicating via technology
- Canadian Coalition Against Internet Child Exploitation
- Bill C-22: Mandatory Reporting Obligations (duty for Internet Service Providers to report any incident of child pornography to law enforcement)
International and Domestic Law (PDF)
Legal References used in these fact sheets