Reports and Studies

Luxembourg Terminology Guidelines

2014 President's Report

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
- What is Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children? Definitions for Young People (ECPAT International Child and Youth Advisory Committee, 2005). *brochure

Child Sex Tourism
- Child Sex Tourism is a Crime! (Beyond Borders, 2008) *brochure
- Evan Jenkins, “How Canada can Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation Abroad” (University of Saskatechwan: Regina, 2007) *law student paper
- Melissa Ferens, “An Evaluation of Canada’s Child Sex Tourism Legislation Under International Law” (University of Manitoba: Winnipeg, 2004) *law student paper

Child Marriage
- David Matas, “Preventing Sexual Abuse in a Polygamous Community” (Winnipeg, April 2005) *legal research paper
- Reference to the Supreme Court of British Columbia on the Constitutionality of s. 293 of the Criminal Code of Canada (Beyond Borders, 2010).

Sexual Exploitation and Technology
- Deborah Muir, Violence Against Children in Cyberspace: A Contribution to the United Nations Study on Violence Against Children (Bangkok: ECPAT International, 2005).

Child Abuse Images
- Child Abuse Images: An Analysis of Websites by

Child Sex Offenders
- Jonathan Rosenthal, Justice Denied: The Disturbing Case of Ernest Fenwick MacIntosh (January 2012) *legal research paper

Overview Reports
- Global Monitoring: Status of Action Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children – Canada (ECPAT International: Bangkok, 2012).
- David Matas, “Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse” (Winnipeg, 2006).
- Report of the Canada-United States Consultation in Preparation for World Congress III Against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (Shared Hope International: Virginia, 2008).
- Report of the World Congress III Against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (ECPAT International: Bangkok, 2009).